Tuesday, October 22
Americans Are More Confident About Retirement, New Report Shows
National News

Americans Are More Confident About Retirement, New Report Shows

American workers are increasingly confident about retirement prospects, the 2014 Retirement Confidence Survey reveals. The Employee Benefits Research Institute released the results of the survey earlier this week on March 18. Experts warn that Americans should not necessarily take heart from the results. Retirees' confidence and positive outlook may, in fact, be unfounded. "This increased level of confidence does not appear to be founded on improved retirement preparations. In the aggregate, worker savings remain low, and only a minority appear to be taking basic steps to prepare for retirement," the report explained. USA Today adds that 36% of Americans saved less than $1,000 for retirement and 60% admitted they had less than $25,000 set aside for retirement, also according to a recent E...
Town in Oklahoma Becomes First in U.S. to Upgrade Home Building Codes for Tornadoes
National News

Town in Oklahoma Becomes First in U.S. to Upgrade Home Building Codes for Tornadoes

Moore, Oklahoma has been ravaged by EF5 tornadoes that leveled the entire community not once, but twice. Many residents still remember the devastation of a May 3, 1999 tornado, and the city is still trying to recover from one that touched down on May 20 of last year. In an attempt to limit the damage caused by tornadoes, Moore City Council members unanimously approved new, strict residential building codes that will make homes better able to withstand the treacherous weather. The 14 changes approved by the council make it the first city in the United States to take such action, so it is an historic move. The list of changes will include hurricane clips or framing anchors, continuous plywood bracing, wind-resistant garage doors, and fortifications that will allow homes to withstand winds o...
Nepalese Suffering From Lack of Handicap Accessibility
National News

Nepalese Suffering From Lack of Handicap Accessibility

WaterAid Nepal launched two reports on Tuesday that found that the lack of handicap accessible sanitation infrastructure in public places has deprived differently-abled persons of their right to proper sanitation and water. According to the reports, people with disabilities don't enjoy the same right to water and sanitation as other because of the inaccessibility of taps and toilets in private homes, housing colonies, and public places like governmental offices, schools, malls, amongst others. Of the 61 public toilets in the Kathmandu Valley, not a single one is handicap accessible. The reason why the issue is so problematic is because most of the people with disabilities live in rural areas, where the access to proper sanitation is even worse due to remoteness, lack of safe water, and...
New Study Indicates Majority of People Suffering From Flu Are Asymptomatic
National News

New Study Indicates Majority of People Suffering From Flu Are Asymptomatic

Believe it or not, it's possible to have to the flu and never feel it, as a new study finds three quarters of people who have seasonal and pandemic flu don't exhibit any symptoms. Researchers at University College London in the UK, led by Dr. Andrew Hayward, published their study's results in The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. According to the study, recent outbreaks of seasonal flu and the H1N1 influenza pandemic infected one in five people from the general population. Yet, only 23% of these infections actually caused symptoms, and only 17% of those people were actually unwell enough to visit their respective physicians. The research team says that their findings show that influenza rates across all winter seasons was around 22 times higher than the Royal College of General Practitioner...
San Francisco Gets One Step Closer to Banning Single-Use Water Bottles
National News

San Francisco Gets One Step Closer to Banning Single-Use Water Bottles

Every year, consumers from around the world spend a staggering $100 million on bottled water. Not only does that hurt wallets -- spending just a couple bucks a day can really add up -- but plastic water bottles contribute to pollution and harm the environment. In the first week of March, San Francisco took a major stride to help solve both those problems. New proposed legislation would ban the sale of plastic water bottles on city property and make the city the first major municipality to take such action. “There are incredible, enormous environmental costs of plastic water bottles," said Supervisor David Chiu, who introduced the idea. "It takes 1,000 years for a typical plastic water bottle to biodegrade." The production and transportation of the bottles also adds to dependence on fossil...
The IRS Audited Fewer Small Businesses Over the Past Year
National News

The IRS Audited Fewer Small Businesses Over the Past Year

The small business audit rate decreased in 2013, according to new documentation released by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The decline -- "from 0.71% in 2012 to 0.61% in 2013," according to Small Business Trends -- is not necessarily cause for celebration. When compared with small business audit rates over time, the current percentage is alarmingly high -- or 0.61% compared to 0.36% in 2004. The small decrease over the past year, moreover, is unlikely to repeat itself. "Given the tax agency's belief that small business owners are responsible for a sizeable portion of the tax gap –- the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid -– the IRS seems unlikely to cut the small business audit rate considerably this year," Small Business Trends explains. USA Today confirms the IRS is, if...
Facebook Looks for SMB Marketing Insight with Small and Medium Business Council
National News

Facebook Looks for SMB Marketing Insight with Small and Medium Business Council

Facebook is no stranger to marketing small businesses. Since the social media giant launched in 2004, it has made leaps and bounds to become the number one social media platform in the world. Most recent estimates put its users at 1.3 billion people. Recognizing Facebook's potential for getting brands in front of web users, countless businesses have flocked to the site. Subsequently, Facebook is estimated to earn $2 billion per quarter. It isn't just huge, well-known companies taking advantage of the platform's marketing effectiveness. There are now 25 million small business pages on Facebook. If recent events have proven anything, it's that the SMB market is just as important to Facebook as Facebook is to the SMB market. A Meeting of the Minds The Small and Medium Business Council, mad...
National parks in New York Gain Popularity
Local News

National parks in New York Gain Popularity

National Park Service claims in its new report that the national parks of New York have got enough popularity and they had more than 718000 visitors in 2012. It is assumed that the revenue generated from the visitors is around $26.5 million and chances are there to generate more revenue in near future. It goes without saying that the national parks of New York that have gained the popularity include Little River Canyon National Preserve, Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site, Tuskegee Airmen National Historic Site, portions of the Natchez Trace Parkway, Horseshoe Bend National Military Park, and Russell Cave National Monument. But the national parks that have got immense visibility- as per Stan Austin the regional director of the park service- are triumphs of African-Americans in...
Myers Brown will discuss the battle of horseshoe bend and war of 1812
Local News

Myers Brown will discuss the battle of horseshoe bend and war of 1812

Myers Brown is going to deliver lecture at Sequoyah Birthplace Museum in Vonore on battle of horseshoe bend and war of 1812. He will start his lecture at around 2 pm on Sunday which is supposed to complete in 1 or 2 hours. Myers Brown is considered to be one of the renowned historians and possesses Bachelors degree in History and Masters Degree in Public history from Potsdam State University of New York. Besides, he has served in various governmental and private organizations.  Also, he was military curator in the Albany History Center and supposed to be well versed with history of expeditions.  Later, he switched the department and joined as curator in New York State Museum. Apart from this, he is also serving as Secretary and Governor of the military historians company. Being a his...
Horseshoe bend gets two wins against Coosa
Local News

Horseshoe bend gets two wins against Coosa

Horseshoe bend Generals played a magnificent inning beating Central-Coosa for the second time by 3-2 and dominated the Courgars 10-0 in the second game.  HBHS baseball coach said “Our runners were left in the inning and we managed to hit few strikes of sixes”. On the other hand, the Horseshoe Generals managed to threaten in the first inning but could not be breakthrough till the sixth inning. Major Abernathy was declared the hero of the game as he happened to strike 10 in the entire game play.  Contrary to this, the coach of HBHS Jason Johnson said “He had been throwing his butt off and it was not defensive to play behind this player”. He further adds, in the second game our struggle did not work well and we need to learn from our mistakes. Besides, he was of the opinion that “our play...