Friday, October 18

Featured News

Featured News

Seniors Are Going to Mexico For Dental Care

Senior citizens are going to Mexico for dental care, because they can't afford it in the United States. TheĀ Arizona Capitol TimesĀ reports that about 60% of Americans have dental insurance coverage, more than there's been in decades. However, almost 70% of seniors aren't covered, according to an Oral Health America survey. This is largely because Medicare doesn't cover dental care, and because many employers aren't offering post-retirement benefits, either. The Affordable Care Act, on the other hand, does offer dental insurance, but only if a subscriber purchases general health coverage first, which many seniors don't require. At the same time, the cost of dental care is on the rise. In 2009, the revenue of U.S. dentists ranged at about $109 billion, and by 2014, it'd reached $125 ...
Featured News

Arizona Adopts New Rules for Solar Leasing Aimed to Help Consumers

While there are still over 50 years worth of global production in oil reserves across the world, it's not a bad idea for consumers to start thinking about alternative energy solutions. Many Arizonans are ahead of the curve when it comes to this area, as solar energy capabilities have become a popular option in many residential homes due to the local climate. According to a piece by the environmental news source, the Grand Canyon State recently adopted new rules concerning solar leasing. The practice of financing home solar options by way of lease has become increasingly popular because of the money (or lack thereof) that's required upfront. SolarCity is just one of the retailers that have taken advantage of this method to garner more customers. Lyndon Rive, SolarCity's CEO,...
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Arizona Marshals Round Up 72 of the Most Wanted Fugitives in Arizona

U.S. Marshals in Southeastern Arizona just completed Operation Southern Star IV this past week, rounding up violent offenders, fugitives, and even a prison escapee with a history of robbing banks. The fugitive hunt targeted some of the most violent felons and narcotics offenders in Arizona, particularly in rural regions of the state. "No matter where you go, we're going to find you," said Deputy U.S. Marshal Nate Alexander. "It sends a clear message that regardless of where fugitives may seek refuge, we will track them down and apprehend them." The Marshals led a task force made up of 18 law enforcement agencies from across the state. Over five days, Operation Southern Star resulted in 72 arrests. The operation began on September 14 and 15, when 31 arrests were made in Pima County, b...