Wednesday, March 12

Arizona Neighborhood Being Specifically Designed For People With Disabilities

In the world, some 10% of the global population are living with disabilities. That’s approximately 650 million people. What people not living with disabilities take for granted is the relative ease of everyday life. For people with disabilities, many of these tasks take much more effort and support is lacking.

One in every 700 babies is born with Down syndrome, about 6,000 children every year. Early life with this genetic condition is difficult, but growing older and becoming independent adults can be especially daunting.

Parents of children with special needs continue to have concerns as their children get older and begin to seek more independence. In answer to this, a real estate developer in Arizona has planned to build the first ever entire neighborhood designed for adult residents with disabilities. The project itself, called Luna Azul, was ideated by a man with an adult daughter with a disability.

“We worried about our daughter’s future, especially after we’re gone. Property ownership endows Luna Azul residents with personal agency, a community of compatible neighbors and a sense of pride, while their families can rest assured that their loved ones are safe, engaged in life and cared for,” said Mark Roth, lead developer of Luna Azul.

He’s scarcely alone in thinking like this. In 2017 alone, some 16.7 million people were victims of identity fraud, a statistic that, unfortunately, can be more commonly problematic among communities with disabilities. A mere singular reason for apprehension in the face of living independently, hundreds of thousands of people with developmental disabilities tend to fall through the cracks, are taken advantage of, or simply aren’t afforded independent housing opportunities with needed support networks. Luna Azul would change all of this.

With home prices set between $300,000 and $500,000 residents are responsible for taking care of their billing, house sharing, etc. The homes will be fully accessible and smart-technology enabled. Power over Ethernet and wireless devices sharing time, data, and updates over an impressive network of integrated technologies will come standard in the new homes. Having some troubleshooting needs with the sci-fi-esque technologies? No problem. There’s also a homeowner’s association complete with a full-time director and overnight staff to facilitate a safe, responsive, well-managed community with built-in support systems. Anyone can purchase a house in Luna Azul, though the neighborhood is designed for individuals living with disabilities.

“Luna Azul is open to anyone who wants to wake up in an inclusive, inviting neighborhood where differences are not merely tolerated, but instead, anticipated and welcomed. My daughter will always be invited to the neighborhood pool party,” said Roth.

The community opens in summer 2019 and already reports being 30% sold out.

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