Thursday, January 23

2 Arrested After Mega Byte Internet Cafe Shut Down for Illegal Gambling Activity

There may be over 100 billion global searches conducted every month, but not all of them are harmless. Recently, one Internet cafe’s activity resulted in its shutdown and several arrests being made.

The Arizona Department of Gaming has reported that Mega Byte, an Internet cafe in Glendale, has been shut down. In addition, several people associated with the business have been arrested for running an illegal gambling ring.

The department said that after paying cash, patrons at the cafe were then allowed to play casino-style games at several computer terminals throughout the building.

Glendale police and several undercover officers were involved in the case, which took several months to unfold.

Bethany Ann Graham was arrested on multiple charges after officers identified her as one of the employees working in the back of the store. Police report that Graham was responsible for handling cash transactions and setting customers up with computer terminals.

In addition to Graham, Jeremy Ramon Muniz was also arrested. The two worked together, and while Graham handled cash, Muniz worked as security and documented all patrons who entered and exited the facility.

While Mega Byte wasn’t exactly a savory business, Arizona citizens will soon be able to invest in local businesses that are actually worth their while, thanks to new legislation.

A new bill has just been signed into law that legalizes equity crowdfunding, which will allows Arizonans to purchase stock in small companies.

Businesses like, a digital mattress store that cuts out the middle man, hope to take advantage of this legislation as soon as possible.

“It’s about a $15 billion industry and growing two to three percent a year,” said Wes Harrington with He said he knows firsthand the struggles of expanding a small business.

“Every bank I talked to basically said, you either need to use your own money or go find friends,” Harrington said.

Now, however, the new equity crowdfunding legislation will allow locals to invest in businesses like these and not only help them succeed, but create a quality investment while they’re at it.

“Let’s say, you bought stock today for $2,000, and that company increase in values five times in the next five years,” said Nick Andrews, creator of FundMyBusinessAZ.Com. “That $2,000 becomes $10,000.”

Perhaps that inflation was the goal of Mega Byte, but thanks to the hard work of law enforcement, their illegal activity was shut down on August 24.

Investigators report that businesses like these can often set up in the middle of neighborhoods, and if left alone, they can bring violence to otherwise peaceful communities.

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