Wednesday, March 12

National News

Phoenix Gets Added To The Data Center Grid In A Big Way
Featured News, National News

Phoenix Gets Added To The Data Center Grid In A Big Way

The world is moving -- quite seriously and quickly -- toward a 5G future. Because traffic from wireless and mobile devices is estimated to account for more than 63% of total IP traffic by 2021, data centers across the country have been upgrading to meet the requirements that 5G speed will demand. Recently, Phoenix, AZ, has arisen as an ideal location for such advanced centers to build and expand. Arizonian Advantages Three companies have laid claim on the Copper State's land in regards to data center development: Stream Data Centers, Vantage Data Centers, and Compass Datacenters. All of their campuses are expected to house enough data storage units to use 600 megawatts of power, meaning they'd be holding tens of thousands of servers. Arizona has become a prime location due to its lack of...
Arizona Neighborhood Being Specifically Designed For People With Disabilities
Featured News, Local News, National News

Arizona Neighborhood Being Specifically Designed For People With Disabilities

In the world, some 10% of the global population are living with disabilities. That's approximately 650 million people. What people not living with disabilities take for granted is the relative ease of everyday life. For people with disabilities, many of these tasks take much more effort and support is lacking. One in every 700 babies is born with Down syndrome, about 6,000 children every year. Early life with this genetic condition is difficult, but growing older and becoming independent adults can be especially daunting. Parents of children with special needs continue to have concerns as their children get older and begin to seek more independence. In answer to this, a real estate developer in Arizona has planned to build the first ever entire neighborhood designed for adult residen...
Small Business Takes On Sleep Apnea
National News

Small Business Takes On Sleep Apnea

Could a small business and a crowdfunding campaign be the right combination to build a better solution for people suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Entrepreneur Stephen Marsh thinks so. “Apnea” is taken from the Greek for “without breath,” and OSA refers to a condition in which a person involuntarily stops breathing while asleep because the soft tissue at the back of the threat collapses in and blocks the airway. The brain eventually wakes the person, but numerous events throughout the night make it nearly impossible to get rest that isn’t fragmented or low in quality. Sleep apnea is thought to affect around 18 million Americans, making it as common as diabetes, according to the American Sleep Apnea Foundation. Currently, one of the most common options for treating OSA is us...
Melanoma Cases Are on the Rise in the United States, CDC Says
National News

Melanoma Cases Are on the Rise in the United States, CDC Says

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that melanoma rates in the United States have doubled over the past 30 years. The Arizona Republic reports that the CDC is concerned that melanoma, a particularly fatal form of skin cancer caused by overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, will continue to rise among the American population if Americans aren't more careful about sun exposure. More than 90% of melanomas are caused by UV radiation exposure. Dr. Robin Harris, a professor of epidemiology and co-director of the University of Arizona Cancer Skin Cancer Institute in Tucson, says apathy, denial, and even arrogance are just as accountable for the spike in melanoma cases as UV radiation itself. "There's still a belief that 'it's not going to happen to ...
Missouri Auto Shop Draws In New Customers With a Humorous Sign
National News

Missouri Auto Shop Draws In New Customers With a Humorous Sign

It will come as no surprise to many that having a sign is a vital part of running a business. After all, the average person passing a company will see its sign two times a day, or 60 times a month, reminding them where the business is located and what it offers. However, for one small auto service center in St. Joeseph, MO, a good sign is used for more than just informational purposes: since 2013, Delmark Tire Service has been using a simple letterboard sign to draw in new customers with a sense of humor. It all began during the infamous government shut down of 2013. The owner of the Delmark Tire Service, Jason Horstman, decided to lighten the mood by poking fun at the serious situation. While he told his local St. Joseph's News-Press that it can be difficult to catch his customers' att...
How Workplace Injuries Are Financially Crippling Small Business Employees
National News

How Workplace Injuries Are Financially Crippling Small Business Employees

A new report from the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has revealed that workplace illness and injury are almost directly linked to income inequality and poverty for workers in the lower and middle classes -- a problem that could have profound impacts on small businesses. According to a March 5 NPR article, changes to workers' compensation policies throughout the last decade have led to widespread cutbacks in benefits for injured workers, in addition to making it tougher to get these benefits. As a result, thousands of American families each year find themselves cast out of the middle class and into poverty; it's "a trap which leaves them less able to save for the future or to make the investments in skills and education that provide the opp...
FDA Issues New Warnings on Testosterone Replacements
National News

FDA Issues New Warnings on Testosterone Replacements

As of early March, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will require pharmaceutical companies that make testosterone replacements to warn patients about the potential risks of heart attack and stroke. NPR reports that at first, testosterone replacements were only intended for men with testosterone deficiency due to medical conditions such as genetics, cancer and chemotherapy, and damaged genitals. Yet the patient pool for testosterone replacements has grown significantly over recent years as doctors and clinics have prescribed them to men with lower-than-normal testosterone who are otherwise perfectly healthy. Low testosterone, otherwise known as "Low T," is said to lowered libido and fatigue. Men naturally undergo a decrease in testosterone levels as they get older (levels peak at...
Gone Google: New Search Engine Gives Google a Run For Its Money
National News

Gone Google: New Search Engine Gives Google a Run For Its Money

Google may still be the largest Internet search engine in the world but if a certain aquatic animal has its way, it may not last. DuckDuckGo is the latest search engine to take the Internet by storm. Launched in 2008, DuckDuckGo has slowly but surely etched its way into notoriety, carving a considerable market-share for itself. Approximately 93% of all Internet sessions begins with a visit to a search engine (primarily Google). Needless to say, whatever controls the search engine market controls the world...wide web. Founded by MIT alumnus Gabriel Weinberg, the site is known for its robust protection of privacy, contrasting itself from the cookie-and-shared-data-crazed Google. According to the British website, DuckDuckGo does not collect or share any user data. It doesn't us...
Arizona Aims to Strengthen International Business Relations With Canada in 2015
National News

Arizona Aims to Strengthen International Business Relations With Canada in 2015

It looks like the state of Arizona will be singing "Oh, Canada..." more often -- and with more fervor -- in 2015. When discussing the Copper state's international business ties, the natural reaction is to consider the state's relationship with nearby Mexico, but 2015 is slated to become a big year for business with Canada. Glenn Williamson, CEO and founder of the Canada Arizona Business Council, which focuses on trade and business relations between Arizona and Canada, said there are three main areas of Arizona business that are set to flourish between the state and Canada this year. Trade Williamson expects trade to have a more significant impact on Arizona's economy in 2015 compared to previous years. "We're watching a continued growth in the aerospace and automotive sector...
Recession-Proof Businesses Offer Entrepreneurs Greater Chance at Survival
National News

Recession-Proof Businesses Offer Entrepreneurs Greater Chance at Survival

According to the Small Business Administration's latest statistics, about 66% of all new businesses only survive two years, while 45% survive for four years. With such slim odds, it's a wonder how any entrepreneur can pluck up the courage to open his or her own new business. One of the best ways to reduce that risk of failure, though, is to open a business in an industry with a proven track record of stability. Though there's no such thing as guaranteed success anywhere in the business world, certain industries seem to weather financial hardships much more easily than others. This is likely because there's a pre existing demand for their services, which will not likely falter any time soon. Take the pharmaceutical industry, for example. People will always be getting sick, and so there's ...