Donald Trump knows a thing or two about real estate. For example, he could probably inform you that over 50% of home buyers and home builders seek a property with a two-car garage.
Yet when it comes to politics, Donald Trump has an undeniably more questionable background. The real estate tycoon has been on the scene in the presidential primaries as a Republican candidate, and has thus far been received with less than open arms by most states.
In Arizona, however, this is not the case at all.
In a recent poll conducted by MBQF Consulting, a Phoenix-based consulting firm, Trump is showing up as one of the top 10 leading GOP candidates in Arizona.
For the survey, participants were asked to give a choice among a list of top 10 candidates, as determined by a story recently published in Politico.
The list also included the following candidates:
Ted Cruz, Texas Senator
Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas Governor
Marc Rubio, Florida Senator
Rick Perry, former Texas Governor
Rand Paul, Kentucky Senator
Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon
Chris Christie, New Jersey Governor
According to News Max, the automated telephone poll asked respondents: “If the election were held today for the Republican primary for President of the United States, which of the following top 10 candidates, listed in alphabetical order by last name, would you be most likely to vote for?”
In response, an overwhelming 26.5% of respondents chose Trump, making him the favorite of the candidates listed above.
Among the rest of the listed candidates, each received less than 10% of votes, with Rand Paul and Chris Christie tying for the lowest at 1.7%.
In total, 21% of the respondents considered themselves undecided.
Earlier this year, Trump spoke at an anti-immigration rally in Phoenix ,where thousands rallied in support of Trump’s firm and unwavering stance against illegal aliens. McCain called the thousands of attendees “crazies.”
Arizona’s support for Trump seems to be correctly correlated with recent statements made by Trump against Arizona Senator John McCain.
It looks like the heat is turning up in Arizona, and it’s not just the weather anymore.