Monday, March 17

Day: August 7, 2020

How to Make the Best of Long Term Marriage Breakup
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How to Make the Best of Long Term Marriage Breakup

Marriage, for many people, becomes the joy of their lives and gives it the ultimate meaning. To find a partner to love and hold, cherish through good times and bad, all while sharing your hopes and fears can be a transcendental experience unlike any other. Whether you're with your "soul mate" or perfect compatible partner, marriage ranks up near the top of "to do" lists in most people's overall lives. The vast majority of couples take vows that include "till death do us part," so ending a long marriage is not usually in the cards. Otherwise, why would anyone get married? Unfortunately, approximately 40-50% of marriages also end in divorce, meaning that for many people splitting up is just as common as getting hitched. Divorce has not always been legal around the world and, therefore, ha...