Thursday, February 6

Day: May 6, 2020

Information About Local Businesses and When You Can Expect Things to Return to Normal
Local News

Information About Local Businesses and When You Can Expect Things to Return to Normal

There are over 30.2 million small local businesses in the US, and COVID 19 has caused many of them to be shuttered. The same question is on everyone’s mind “when will things get back to normal?” More information about local businesses has been researched in the last two months than any other time. Consumers are searching for information about local businesses hoping to find the services that they need and what the plan is moving forward. Unfortunately, for many businesses, reopening may take a while, but for other businesses, it has been business as usual. What Information About Local Businesses Are You Looking For? Whether you are a happy camper or an unhappy camper when you are looking for information about local businesses really depends on which type of business you are inquir...