Saturday, February 8

Day: March 26, 2018

Deaths Among Older Drivers and Pedestrians On the Rise in Arizona
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Deaths Among Older Drivers and Pedestrians On the Rise in Arizona

The Association for Safe International Road Travel estimates that over 37,000 U.S. residents die in road crashes every year. For senior citizens, the risks of driving accidents often increase due to slowed reaction times, reliance on medication, or changes in vision or hearing. A recent report has found that seniors in Arizona, in particular, have become much more likely to be involved in a fatal crash in just the last few years. Since people are living longer on average, seniors now account for a larger proportion of the population. Currently, there are an estimated 46 million people over the age of 65 living in the U.S., representing 15% of all Americans. By 2060, researchers estimate that this demographic will represent 24% of the entire population. Because seniors are living longer,...