Saturday, February 8

Day: February 13, 2018

Team Building Exercises and Work Culture Go Hand in Hand
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Team Building Exercises and Work Culture Go Hand in Hand

Owning a business is a delicate balance, and there are many factors that go into running a successful venture. One of the most important things that can make or break a business is the work culture. If the work environment is stale, unapproachable, or non-collaborative, it can certainly affect other areas of the business. One of the best ways to boost the culture of a workplace is through team building exercises and activities. In order to get employees to build productive relationships, team building is necessary. Team building can also help employees feel connected with their employers. A Gallup study revealed that employees who engaged with their supervisors boosted the productivity of the company by about 200% more than employees who were not engaged. The Balance weighs in on thi...