Saturday, February 8

Day: January 25, 2018

State Rep Introduces Bill to Prevent Suspension Among Preschoolers in Arizona
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State Rep Introduces Bill to Prevent Suspension Among Preschoolers in Arizona

According to a recent Civil Rights Data Collection survey, black preschool students are 3.6 times more likely to receive suspension as white students. While suspension rates are up across all preschool students, this new survey showed how serious preschool suspension rates are. Lana Sabir, the owner of Tomorrow's Star Educational Center in Southfield explained that their facility is full because preschoolers are getting kicked out of child care centers. "...It's hard for parents to work and try to survive without having someone watching their children...that's the problem especially in this area," Sabir said. While forming a multinational school identity can help students understand the globalization of the 21st century, about 20% of the students enrolled in preschool are black...