Saturday, March 15

Day: October 13, 2022

How the Dissolved Air Flotation Optimization Process Works

How the Dissolved Air Flotation Optimization Process Works

A dissolved air flotation system, or DAF, removes various solids, oils, and other non-soluble substances from wastewater. Here is a basic overview of how the dissolved air flotation optimization process works. A DAF is made from polypropylene, which is lightweight while allowing for a high level of corrosion and chemical resistance. These properties enable the DAF to handle a wide pH range, high temperatures, and saltwater while dissolving a high volume of solids. Video Source It is also UV stabilized. One key component of a DAF is the advanced pipe flocculator, which gives chemicals more time to incorporate into the stream and breaks the emulsion of the water. The dissolved air generation pump is also central to helping a DAF function. This pump dissolves air into the water. The air ...