Monday, March 17

Day: October 22, 2020

7 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter in Arkansas

7 Ways to Prepare Your Home for Winter in Arkansas

Arkansas is associated with beautiful landscapes and warm weather, but the winters can be harsher than many people realize. In January alone, Arkansas typically sees two or three inches of snowfall. That can pose a problem for homeowners who are not pretended for the change in temperature and weather. Cold weather and snow can cause real damage to your home and property if you aren’t ready. Don’t leave preparations until the last minute. Get ready for Arkansas in the winter well before the bad weather rolls in. There are many ways to prepare your home for winter. Both inside the home and outside, there are things you can and should do to make sure your home will weather the storm without damage. Neglecting these steps could mean that you incur lasting damage that could cost you a lot...